5 Cool Links

This is a test post to see and have at least something on the blog section of my website... I'll do a proper post soon!

In the meanwhile here are 5 cool links...

  1. For anyone pursuing creative work 🎨

2. 🚰 This blog is my attempt at cleaning my "Creativity Faucet", what are you going to do?

3. Impressive growth and tips on going from zero to 100k subs on YouTube

Favourite was the 'pick two' analogy for having what it takes to be successful on YouTube between personality, content value and filmmaking chops! πŸ˜œπŸ’ΈπŸ“½

4. FreeCodeCamp is super cool, a great space to start learning to code, so glad these resources exist for people new to coding or willing to learn more! Β 

Their YouTube format is different to anything I've seen since they end up putting a whole course into a single video πŸ“Ί and relying heavily on timestamps to hop about. From a quick skim of the channel the longest video I could find was around 17h of content... and I'm certain that there is even longer.

Check out the official certifications in the link below:

Learn to Code β€” For Free

I've got my eye on the APIs and Microservices Certification...

5. The Futur are back at it again πŸ”₯, after Building a Brand I'm super excited for this next YouTube docuseries called 'Built By Hand' as of the moment the first two episodes are up on the channel. Excited to see how Ben Burns site ends up, and if theres anything I can take from it as I build my own πŸš€

Till next week,

Matt Spear