
Getting There
Search Flights, Hotels & Car Hire | KAYAK
KAYAK is a travel search engine that searches hundreds of other travel sites at once. Our helpful tools & features find you the information you need to make the right decisions on flights, hotels, car hires and holiday packages.

Escape :: Travel inspiration by price and COVID-19 safety
Don’t know where to go? Explore the cheapest trips from your city to every tourist destination in the world on any given travel dates. Compare all the trips on a fun and interactive map with respect to the weather forecast, popularity, safety levels, visa requirements and so on. Escape is a tool cre… | Find Cheap Flights & Discover New Destinations
Discover new destinations and unique cheap flights with our easy-to-use search engine and interactive map — with 24/7 customer support & the Guarantee.

Sherpa – Move Freely
UK passport best countries to visit in 2020
UK passport holders can visit 147 countries visa free. UK citizens can have visa on arrival for 41 countries and can get e-visa for 15 countries. These countries include Isle of Man, Ireland, Guernsey and Jersey. They need to get a prior visa for 35 countries.

✈ FlightConnections - All flights worldwide on a flight map!
Direct flights from more than 900 airlines on an interactive flight map. Search, find and compare any flight path or airline route with our flight maps! Europe Train Map – Google My Maps Europe Train Map
Created for Curious Travellers | Culture Trip
Culture Trip makes travel planning easy and fun with award-winning travel stories, insider city guides, and handpicked hotels in the coolest neighbourhoods. Explore, plan and book with Culture Trip.

- Become a local. - Take self-guided walking tours in cities around the world. - Delivered to you in audio format by local experts. - High-quality city guides curated by local content creators. - Control your time, speed and movement by pausing the experience at any time. - Modern, Flexible, In…

Nomad / Coworking
Nomad List
Find your place to ❤️ live, 👩💻 work, and 💃 play

Croissant | Enjoy coworking anywhere in NYC, Brooklyn, LA, SF, London & more
Access 500+ coworking spaces in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, and Washington DC with one membership on demand!

(use my code matthew76 to try Croissant for a free weeks trial)
European Coffee Trip | Your Speciality Coffee Guide in Europe
European Coffee Trip is an online magazine and a guide featuring Speciality coffee culture in Europe. We create articles, interviews, photos and videos!

Coffee News & Culture
Coffee News & Culture